Re: LS Time To Stand and Be Counted

From: Magnus Berg (
Date: Sun Sep 26 1999 - 12:45:06 BST

Hi Squad

> 1) Are all patterns of value also intellectual patterns?


Reality is quite content without intellectual patterns. How could
it be otherwise? If the assumed history of the earth, (the universe
actually), is not totally misleading, there once was no intellectual

> 2) Were the 4 levels of the MOQ discovered or created?


The MoQ is a *meta*-physics! Physics is clueless without one.

> What answer to each of these statements is of highest quality to you?

They're actually somewhat redundant. If the answer to #2 is discovered,
it implies that #1 is no. But if I have to choose, it would be #1. A yes
answer to that is a real show-stopper and it's useless for two people
answering differently to discuss the rest of the MoQ. I agree with DMB
that saying yes to #1 is kind of like using a MOQ brush to paint a SOM

A few lines from Denis' answers:

> So all patterns of value are also intellectual patterns. Never forget
> that you're only talking.

It seems you too begin each day with Descartes:

"I think, therefore I am."

Don't be so human-centered. Reality is far more than that. I've said
before that:

The MoQ says that the following statements are just as valid.

I weigh, therefore I am.
I sense, therefore I am.
I interact with others, therefore I am.

This is what the levels are saying about what is real.

        Magnus -

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