Re: MD levels (Down with Types of Value, Up with Types of Patterns)

From: Platt Holden (
Date: Sun Nov 10 2002 - 16:06:58 GMT

  • Next message: Wim Nusselder: "Re: MD levels (Down with Types of Patterns, Up with Types of Value)"

    Hi Steve:
    > I would say that the hierarchy can function just as well (or
    > just as poorly or perhaps even better) if applied from a given perspective
    > but cannot be applied "objectively."

    But it can be applied "rationally." See quote below.

    > It cannot be applied to say whether
    > Hamlet is better or worse than the Mona Lisa in any absolute sense.

    Both Hamlet and the Mona Lisa are both high up on the same moral
    level, thus difficult to judge which is better. But I have no problem
    judging that Hamlet is better than All My Children and that the Mona
    Lisa is better than Piss Christ.

    > With a
    > nod to Darrell, it cannot be applied to judge others but it could still be
    > used to decide what you should do.

    Of course it can be applied to judge others. Those who act biologically,
    like rapists, are rightfully condemned by society.
    > Here's another
    > one for the hierarchy: which is better, sex or democracy?

    Democracy is better because as a higher level it includes sex, whereas
    sex is confined to the biological level.

    The MoQ taxonomy is important because it's one of the central themes
    of Pirsig's work. It stands as a guide for making making rational moral
    judgments, at times in an absolute sense, as indicated in the following

    "But what's not so obvious is that, given a value-centered Metaphysics
    of Quality, it is absolutely, scientifically moral for a doctor to prefer the
    patient. This is not just an arbitrary social convention that should apply
    to some doctors but not to all doctors, or to some cultures but not all
    cultures. It's true for all people at all times, now and forever, a moral
    pattern of reality as real as H20. We're at last dealing with morals on
    the basis of reason. We can now deduce codes based on evolution that
    analyze moral arguments with greater precision than before."(13)

    If you'll reread Chapters 22 and 24 of Lila you'll see demonstrations of
    how to apply the MoQ as a rational moral guide. Once the MoQ
    taxonomy is understood and accepted, answers to moral questions shift
    dynamically from misty emotion and mythical revelation to mindful


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