RE: Objectivity (RE: MD Individuality)

From: The Pantophobic (
Date: Sun Nov 17 2002 - 20:44:04 GMT

  • Next message: Wim Nusselder: "Re: MD levels"

    > DMB says:
    > which Jonathan seems to have missed, and calling him names doesn't change
    > that fact.

    > the thermometer and...the President.
    i'll assume you eaither ment
    the temperature and the president or
    the thermometer and the president-detector

    > the thermometer responds...and a physical change occurs
    > But what instrument can detect the Presidency in this way? what ever does mercury expanding have to do with temperature?
    you say:

    > the thermometer responds to the kinetic energy, absorbs enough (or sheds
    > its own in the case of a deep freezer or whatever) of it to reach near
    > equilibrium and a physical change occurs. The mercury expands or contracts

    you may say that the temperature is nothing but the average kinetic energy of
    the mercury molecules, and then further say that the average kinetic energy is
    nothing but a relation between mass and volume in a region with a given
    pressure region, in which case, allright you have a direct measure of the

    but if you choose to do that, then you can also say that the presidency is
    nothing but the human being (since you have a likeing for physical tests) who
    is consistanly the most difficult to walk up to and spit on in a room of same
    covered passport holders, and who has the eaisiest access to the following 200
    rooms, yada yada.

    > How come none of these things have any effect on mercury?
    so they do, but instead of mercury, they have an effect on mercury, sulphor,
    argon, pulleys, transistors, diodes, water weels and more. you just as you took
    the multiple workings inside of a thermometer as one, you may take the totality
    of these as one.

    in both cases someone has to be saying this is the definition of, or this is
    nothing but that.

    a simpler thing:
    the thermomiter can give a voice output: "The Temperature is 30 deg C, Surfs up"
    the prez-detector may give the output : "S/he is/not a President"

    in both cases someone has to do the programming of the circuitry.

    if you are argueing what a heap of sand is, then that is a whole other story

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