Re: MD Individuality

From: Elizaphanian (
Date: Mon Nov 18 2002 - 18:57:11 GMT

  • Next message: Elizaphanian: "Re: MD Sophocles not Socrates"

    Hi David (number 3)

    Like you, I'm working through a few posts, and much that I would reply to in
    this thread I've covered elsewhere. Again, I'll pick out one paragraph and
    go on from there.

    You said:

    > I'm going to skip the 9/11 issue because its too emotionally charged, but
    > let me just say that I disagree entirely. But let me answer your question
    > about the 'choosing unit' or 'machine language interface'. Both of these
    > phrases are terribly clumsy and pretentious, but I think I know what
    > getting at. You're asking what it is that responds to reality and makes
    > choices, no? You're asking about intellect in particular because this
    > to raise the problem of the intellect judging itself, no? Pirsig defines
    > self as "a collection of static patterns capable of apprehending DQ". That
    > same collection of static patterns can certainly apprehend static quality
    > too. This definition of the self comes from the quote you included, which
    > in a fuller context at the top of this page.

    The 9/11 example is just particularly graphic and (on one level!) very easy
    to understand what happened. But in fact any disaster could qualify. My
    point is that Pirsig gives a scale of values, that 'intellectual' values are
    the top of the heap, and therefore the 'worst' thing about any disaster (ie
    worst that we can talk about, so not including unquantifiable DQ) is the
    loss of intellectual goods. Which I think is barbaric. As it happens I don't
    think Pirsig would actually hold to that, if it was presented to him in
    those terms, but it seems to be the logical implication of the MoQ. Are you
    saying that it isn't a logical implication of the MoQ, or that it isn't

    'Choosing unit' was my phrasing, 'machine language interface' is Pirsig's,
    but as long as you know what I'm trying to get at then they're doing their
    work. My point is that the 'intellect' - understood as the manipulation of
    symbols, understood even more specifically as something divorced from
    emotion, so "Reason" - is incapable of choice. I'm not arguing that it is
    incapable of judging itself, I'm saying that it is incapable of judging,
    period. To discern 'truth' depends upon the development of moral character;
    thus truth is one of a number of eudaimonic values. I've gone into the
    technicalities of why I assert this elsewhere.

    For the fourth level to be truly 'intellectual' then we need to have some
    faculty which is able to discriminate between good and bad fourth level
    quality (on the 'narrow' interpretation, something able to distinguish the
    'truth') and saying 'the intellect' is, IMHO, fatuous and philosophically

    Pirsig's account of the self is something I'm comfortable with, as outlined
    earlier in this thread.


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