Re: MD levels (Down with Types of Value, Up with Types ofPatterns)

From: Wim Nusselder (
Date: Tue Nov 26 2002 - 07:07:09 GMT

  • Next message: Wim Nusselder: "Re: MD levels (Down with Types of Value, Up with Types of Patterns)"

    Dear Steve,

    You wrote 9 Nov 8:12 -0500:
    'What type of pattern is a person?
    What type of pattern is a tree?
    What type of pattern is Shakespeare's Hamlet?
    What type of pattern is the earth?
    What type of pattern is the universe?
    And the answer must be either inorganic, biological, social, or
    But only one of them for each.'

    I agree that patterns of values are not particular types of 'things', i.e.
    objects. Distinguishing objects, subjects and thus 'things' requires first
    metaphysically distinguishing 'objects' and 'subjects'. Distinguishing
    patterns of values requires first metaphysically distinguishing Dynamic
    Quality (unpatterned experience) and static quality (patterned
    experience).We can't distinguish 'things' in the way we can distinguish
    patterns of values.
    That doesn't imply a rejection of 'types of patterns' however, nor a
    rejection of the existence of 'patterns of values'. They're values, not

    Did you answer my 9 Nov 11:42 +0100 question already?
    'HOW exactly you think you can categorize values DIRECTLY?'
    Probably not, because you wrote:
    'I don't want to respond to your critique of my second point (a "types of
    awareness/ways of valuing" interpretation of the levels as an alternative)
    until I understand where you stand on the first.'

    With friendly greetings,


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