Re: MD life after death

From: Elizaphanian (
Date: Sat Nov 30 2002 - 19:00:05 GMT

  • Next message: Elizaphanian: "Re: MD Can Only Humans Respond to DQ?"

    Hi Platt,

    > Pardon my ignorance of Christianity but isn't there something about
    > judgment day where your life is reviewed and if you haven't been "good"
    > you're sent straight to hell? Wittgenstein seems to hint at something
    > like that by referring to a "bad" life.

    That's what I was touching on when I talked about whether Jesus' language
    (on this) is best understood literally or metaphorically. Certainly what we
    do matters (in both Christianity and Wittgenstein's approach), it has
    'eternal' importance. In so far as traditional Christianity implies
    'everlasting' life - or punishment - it doesn't have much meaning for me.

    > What captured my attention most of all in both Sam's and Wim's posts
    > was their use of the word "meaning" which served as a synonym for
    > "value." In the passage above, Sam could just as well written, "It makes
    > sense to me, it feels right, it seems to hold more truth and value than
    > anything else I've run across." and " . . . it just doesn't hold much
    > for me." When something is meaningful to someone, it signals a
    > recognition of Quality.

    I'm broadly happy with an equation of 'meaning' with 'value' (and certainly
    your last sentence), but to my mind the former (meaning) has more cognitive
    connotations than value. (Although not in a worked out MoQ sense, just in
    'normal' language.)

    > The connection between aesthetic and religious "meanings" is so close
    > as to be almost inseparable. Both are above the intellectual level in the
    > realm of Spirit, Quality or, as Wim suggests, "Meaning" with a capital
    > letter.
    > Can't help but be reminded of Hamlet's words:
    > "There are more things in heaven and earth, Horatio,
    > Than are dreamt of in your philosophy."
    > But not much that isn't covered by the MoQ :-)

    Or, perhaps better, not much that is disallowed by the MoQ (ie most
    'systems', like Horatio's, rule out anything like DQ).


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