Re: MD life after death

From: Elizaphanian (
Date: Sat Nov 30 2002 - 19:12:14 GMT

  • Next message: David Buchanan: "RE: MD Can Only Humans Respond to DQ?"

    Hi Trivik,

    > if i remeber correctly Wittgenstein was a committed christian. and like
    > all good homosexual christians hated himself for his basic biological
    > urges.

    Wittgenstein was not a committed Christian, he explicitly 'couldn't bring
    himself to believe the sorts of things they believe'. He had a good
    understanding of Christianity, though, and famously said that he 'saw
    everything from a religious point of view'. Sounds like you may have been
    reading Colin Wilson on Wittgenstein. His self-loathing (which evolved and
    mellowed over time) was not primarily focussed on his sexuality. Which
    doesn't have a lot to do with his philosophy either. You might as well say
    that he hated himself for his Jewish origins, or for being rich.

    > if the interpretation is accepted by the person who penned the paragraph,
    > then i see a contradiction.
    > claim 1: i live my life based on quality.
    > claim 2: quality exists (before/while/after i die)
    > --------
    > claim 3: my life is not based on a part of me that lives on
    > 1 + 2 not equal to 3

    You'll need to unpack that a little, but it is intriguing. Claim 2 could
    mean 'exist' in an eternal sense, whereas claim 3 seems to be using it in an
    'everlasting' sense.


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