RE: MD acausal (for Glenn)

From: Glenn Bradford (
Date: Fri Dec 06 2002 - 13:36:42 GMT

  • Next message: Platt Holden: "Re: MD levels"

    Thanks for the quotes. Do you agree with this re-wording:

    Two events are said to be acausal if they are related, but not
    causally. And synchronicity describes acausal events that occur
    at or near the same time but not by chance.

    Also, do you think that
    - events described by synchronicity should be freighted with
    significance on par with causal events?
    - as an explanatory principle synchronicity is on the same order
    as causality, as Jungian theory claims?
    - there is some similarity between the mindset that sees significance
    in unlikely events and one that treats all events as happening in a
    moral-based reality?

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