RE: MD "Mystical Experience" and static interpretations.

From: David Buchanan (
Date: Sun Dec 08 2002 - 02:31:51 GMT

  • Next message: David Buchanan: "RE: MD acausal"

    Sam and all:

    Those who seek God in ways will find ways and not God.

    DMB says:
    The subject line and Eckhart's pithy comment go well together, no? Hmmm.
    Maybe you don't see it that way. It seems we have different ideas about
    mysticism and Dynamic Quality. We have different ideas about what is static
    and what's not, about what's intellectual and what's not. Your responses
    tell me that I've failed to make these things clear. Since the MOQ
    essentiall IS a static intellectual description of a mystical reality,
    struggling with this brings us to the very heart of things. Let's try
    something else.

    In Porete's distinction between 'Holy Church the Great' and 'Holy Church the
    less' he says, "Holy Church the Less is not the 'less' because it is
    corrupt, but because unliberated souls seek the good without freedom of
    spirit " Like many of the quotes we've shared, we may think its true for
    different reasons. I think its an important distinction to make, but it
    seems to blame the unliberated souls for their own "dependence on the
    sacrimental and devotional economies of the Church" and there is no
    suggestion that the Church might be in the business of instilling that
    "freedom of spirit". As I understand it, this lesser church is one where
    static patterns are mistaken for what they symbolize and thereby destroy the
    dynamic, or even prevent the mystical. As I understand it this lesser church
    is about all there is. The Western religions have failed to convey the
    mystery beyond the static symbols. The task of religion is to bring the
    individual into a relationship with the cosmos, to create the sign posts
    that will reveal the mystic reality underlying the world of static things.

    "Phaedrus saw nothing wrong with this ritualistic religion as long as the
    rituals are seen as merely a static portrayal Dynamic Quality, a sign-post
    which allows socially pattern-dominated people to see Dynamic Quality. The
    danger has always been that the ritutals, the static patterns, are mistaken
    for what they merely represent and are allowed to destroy the Dynamic
    Quality they were originally intended to preserve." (chapter 30)

    This is the question. Does it preserve DQ or does it lock life out? This
    will tell us which is degenerate and which is morally re-generative, no? I
    mean, static is NOT just another word for dead. Sq preserves the world too.
    It IS the world. But when is a sign post too static? When does become a
    fossil? When is a god dead? When is a church dead? When it fails to bring
    the people into a living relationship with the divine. And when is that?
    Presently. By their fruits ye shall know them? The Crusades, the
    Inquisition, the 30 years war? That's some rotten fruit. In the 20th century
    the churches have repeatedly aligned themselves with the most lethal kinds
    of reactionaries. Even their finest moments are social and sentimental,
    feeding the naked and clothing the hungry. This is nice but far from doing
    that task of preserving the mystical tradition.

    "The Christian West was too alienated from its own mystical tradition to
    resist this secular effort to eliminate a living cosmology, symbolized
    religiously by the Cosmic Christ. Augustine's theology, which heavily
    influenced the philosophy of Descrates, has no Cosmic Christ. Augustine's
    preoccupation with human guilt and salvaltion offered no resistance ..."
    Matthew Fox The Coming of the Cosmic Christ.

    Let me be more specific. Except for superficial differences, a particular
    picture of reality is conveyed to the individual in a mystical experience.
    It provides a certain kind of "big picture" knowledge. You see the things
    behind the things. The secrets are revealed. One comes out of the cave. Its
    been said many ways. If you'd like to see what this picture might look like
    in some detail, I know of a book that does just that. The author had a
    mystical vision that connected all his thoughts into a single giant
    metaphysical system. Ha! Seriously, the MOQ shares this oldest idea with the
    ancient cosmologies of the pre-socratics. This is what he meant when he said
    they were closest to the MOQ. It roughly matches the perennial philosophy,
    which is that universal ancient wisdom found in all traditions. Ophreus had
    a hierarchical and evolutionary cosmology too. And this is precisely what
    contemporary theology does not have, a total picture of reality, a cosmology
    that includes the individual. That coming home feeling. Its not the simple
    or sentimental thing you might imagine. We're talking about human psychology
    and the structure of galaxies, not a holiday by the fireplace. Which brings
    us to what is arguably the most misunderstood Pirsig quote of all time...

    "The physical order of the universe is also the moral order of the universe.
    RTA is both. This is exactly what the MOQ was claiming. It was not a new
    idea. It was the oldest idea known to man. provided a huge historical
    panorama in which the fundamental conflict between static and Dynamic
    Quality had been worked out." (Lila, chapter 30)

    Think about that for a moment, will you? The oldest idea known to man is
    that the physical order of the universe is also the moral order of the
    UNIVERSE. Morals are what you get at church. If you want to know about the
    stars, ask a scientist. Scientific objectivity doesn't like the idea that
    they're the same and its hard to swallow at first. But then why should it be
    any other way? Why should the universe have cul-de-sacs? Or walls? That
    would be even harder to swallow. As I understand it, Pirsig, Wilber and
    others adopted this perennial philosophy, this oldest idea, all say that the
    universe is living, breathing and conscious from top to bottom, from dirt to
    divinity, its all "moral".

    We find cosmological mythologies in the presocratics so easily because
    physics and religion had not yet seperated. They were undifferentiated and
    part of something larger that included them both, along with art. Now they
    are not only differentiated, they're disassociated. They need to be
    re-integrated at the intellectual level, but they still need that oldest
    idea, the one that comes from the mystical vision. And this is not just
    fancy intellectual footwork, because the mystical vision insists that
    underlying reality is a unified whole, so science, morals and art are all
    unified in that.

    Fritjof Capra says that "the concepts of science show strong similarities to
    the concepts of the mystics. Its not just physics that has parallels to
    mysticism, its also biology, psychology and various other sciences. The
    philosophy of mystical traditions, the perennial philosophy, is the most
    consistent philosophical background to modern science at all these levels."

    I mean, let's face it. No self-respecting, thinking person can tolerate a
    religion that has nothing to do with the physical universe as we understand
    it today. And I'm sure you'd agree that those anti-intellectual religions
    that denounce evolution and the big bang in favor of creation myths are...
    just plain dumb. No. We deserve a spiritual tradition that makes sense, that
    doesn't ask you to check your brain at the door. At the same time, our
    scientific understanding of the strutcture of the universe only exaggerates
    the spiritual alienation. The loss of the mystical tradition in the churches
    and amoral scientific materialism. Hell of choice. Let's pick neither.

    Nobel laureate Roger Sperrry says, "current concepts of the mind-brain
    relation involve a direct break with the long-established materialist and
    behaviourist doctrine that has dominated neuroscince for many decades.
    Instead of renouncing or ignoring consciousness, the new interpretation
    gives full recognition to the primacy of inner conscious awareness as a
    causal reality."

    Awareness as a causal reality. Imagine that. The kind of cosmology we need
    has been locked out by both the social and intellectual levels, religion and
    science are hostile to each other, but they share a common hatred of the
    mystical traditions. The whole society is hostile to it, but at least people
    don't get denounced as heretics or burned at the stake. And there are plenty
    of cracks and holes in that cultural immune system. Yes, we'd be talking
    about a radical and profound change, but these values are already in the
    culture. They lay hidden and buried all around. Plus its true. Nothing sells
    like the truth.

    Apologies to anyone with eye strain,

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