Re: MD Symbolically or actually?

From: Elizaphanian (
Date: Mon Dec 09 2002 - 09:19:56 GMT

  • Next message: Elizaphanian: "Re: MD The Populist Persuasion"

    Hi David,

    A fuller response will follow in due course, but two things. One, a very
    large grin about the pudding, and two, a more serious comment: if Aquinas
    really thought all the ritual of the church was straw (rather than what he
    had been writing about it) then he would have broken off from participation
    in the rituals. He didn't do that. He just stopped writing (stopped writing
    the ritual equivalent of philosophology?).

    My whole perspective is based on the fact that the Christian mystics -
    Eckhart (massively influenced by Aquinas), the Cloud author, Julian of
    Norwich, Teresa of Avila, John of the Cross, and so on and so forth - all
    maintained their involvement and active participation in the ritual life of
    the church. As I am nowhere near as enlightened as them, I think it's OK for
    me to still accept rituals. Perhaps there is a point where rituals become
    unnecessary - and perhaps you've got there ;-) - but I haven't, and nor had

    Your recent posts have been really interesting.


    The actual outlook is very dark, and any serious thought should start from
    that fact. (George Orwell)

    > P.S. In the MOQ, mysticism is far more valuable than ritualistic religion
    > and chocolate is the most valuable pudding.

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