MD conference

From: Monkeys' tail or (
Date: Tue Dec 17 2002 - 15:56:19 GMT

  • Next message: Elizaphanian: "Re: MD Contradiction? "Mystical Experience""

    Horse, Jonathan all MOQ participants,

    I stumbled across this post in the archives and I wonder if anything has
    been done with it. If not, would that be an idea for the future? It would be
    so great to gather all those who feel sympathetic(or not) to the MOQ. The
    idea of holding the conference in the Netherlands has its advantages and its
    disadvantages but this is for later times. I am willing to take care of a
    part of the organisation if held in the Netherlands. I could contact my
    school and ask how they feel about it, I am confident that they are willing
    to support such an initiative and that they will provide students who can
    organise such an event. The school is also a hotel management school with
    their own hotel which is not the Hilton but surely will do. The school
    itself has the facilities for a conference. Well, how do you all feel about

    I and another are organizing some sort of conference of those interested
    further understanding and applying the MOQ. It's a premature idea at the
    moment, but the plan is to meet in the Netherlands next August, and have
    interested present papers (or, if shy of public speaking, have their
    presented by others) and join smaller, focused discussion groups, or
    listen and learn. Naturally, the outline would be more dynamic than

    I think that's a delightful idea. Horse and I even discussed it
    abstractly once, but it would be wonderful to see such a conference
    become a reality.

    My own experience is with academic scientific conferences, so not all
    aspects are the same. Nevertheless, here are some points to consider.

    1. IMO opinion we should aim at a serious gathering of 50+ participants.
    Not all of these would be MoQ veterans, or even current members.

    2. If we want recognition and respectability, we should invite some
    academics who deal with MoQ-related issues professionally. For example,
    several names have come up in our discussions. Pirsig should definitely
    be invited as a keynote speaker.

    3. This is going to be hard to fund. Rich mentions possible free
    accommodation (where? how?), but we need conference facilities too. This
    may necessitate a registration fee. Obviously we want to minimise costs
    for people paying out of their own pockets. I think that some academics
    would be able to justify participation as part of their projects, and
    use their travel money (common practice in academia) - anyone who can do
    so should be welcome.
    We should avoid paying out travel costs for a bunch of invited speakers.

    4. We should look for sponsorship. Maybe certain publishers (esp. the
    publishers of ZAMM and LILA) would be interested. Other possible
    sponsors would be local businesses, travel organisations, maybe even a
    motorcycle manufacturer!!!

    5. We already need to work on CONTENT. ASAP as possible we should have
    an organising committee, an outline of sessions, session organisers,
    important speakers. We need competent people who can propose a session
    and recruit a couple of interesting lecturers.
    A good model for a lecture session is to have a 2-3 hour session with
    two main invited speakers and several speakers selected later from
    Discussion sessions need a leader who is willing to organise discussants
    and to prepare and lead a structured discussion.
    In scientific conferences, poster sessions are great! A good poster
    packs in much more info. than a lecture and can generate hours of
    one-on-one discussion. Do we have enough people who could consider
    presenting their ideas and schemes as a poster?

    6. Potential contributors should send in an abstract or summary of what
    they would like to present. This goes to session organisers, and could
    be the basis of most of the final programme. (One wants to go on
    accepting abstracts as long as possible, but a closing date that allows
    enough time to arrange the programme).

    7. August is a difficult time for some - especially those with family
    obligations. A venue that can accommodate and entertain accompanying
    adults and children would be a very nice idea.

    Thanks again Rich - I hope I'll be able to participate.


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