Re: MD "linear causality"

From: Magnus Berg (
Date: Sun Jan 05 2003 - 23:40:25 GMT

  • Next message: john williams: "Re: MD Mapping the Book"

    Hi Matt and all

    > Matt:
    > Pirsig's claim belittles science from scientism's point of view because it
    > expands the definition of science to mean somthing like, "explain and
    > comprehend reality without conflicts and platypi." On this definition of
    > science, what was was just called "science" (principally thought as the
    > "natural sciences") is now leveled down to size to sit next to the social
    > sciences, humanities, and religion as cultural activities. While I agree
    > with the leveling that Pirsig attempts, I disagree with the expansion of
    > the definition of science to mean "explain and comprehend reality without
    > conflicts and platypi." I think Pirsig took the wrong route, by trying to
    > elevate everything to a science by expanding what science means. The route
    > I think he should have attempted was to say that science is one way of
    > explaining reality, there are others.

    I like Pirsig's route. It says that science, the natural sciences that
    is, is not written in stone. The formulas and algorithms we hold for
    truths today may not be the only truth tomorrow or in a hundred years.

    Pirsig's route says that Newton was not an idiot although his theories
    of gravity is now not as true as they once where. The route also says
    that, for example, the speed of light might not be as absolute as
    Einstein claimed, etc.

    There is still a difference between the natural sciences and other,
    social sciences, humanities, etc. and that difference is clearly stated
    by the MoQ, loud and clear for those who have understood it.

    Natural sciences are more static, i.e. lower on the static ladder.
    Natural sciences explains the first level. So in that way, it's still a
    more basic science than other.

    Biology, zoology, etc. explains the second, biological level and so on.

    There's no need to be offended by the MoQ because it equals natural
    science and human science, because it doesn't. Not if you look carefully.


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