Re: MD No to absolutism

From: Matt the Enraged Endorphin (
Date: Thu Jan 09 2003 - 22:09:09 GMT

  • Next message: Matt the Enraged Endorphin: "Re: MD No to absolutism"

    Platt, everyone,

    Platt has again committed the "no, no" I've told him he shouldn't do. But
    I'll review it again for everyone.

    Platt said:
    I'd like to point out that you each employ many absolute
    statements in your arguments against absolutism, thus becoming
    hoisted on your own petards.

    One of my statements and JoVo's statements could easily be regarded as
    absolutes in the sense that Jonathan [see I can spell correctly], Kevin,
    and I would like to get rid of. What Platt is construing absolute to mean
    however is different then the sense in which Jonathan, Kevin, and I are
    taking it. If I'm correct, the three of us would like to get rid of
    _metaphysical_ absolutes. "Non-metaphysical absolutes," however, are a
    little harder to take seriously because the producers of these absolutes
    don't take them seriously. Like non-metaphysical binaries, I don't know
    how we would be able to think without "non-metaphysical absolutes." To
    point, when I said, "There are no knock-down arguments against convinced,
    thorough, dogmatic people," for Platt's sake, I should have said, "I can't
    think of what a knock-down argument against convinced, thorough, dogmatic
    people would look like." Making us who eschew absolutes in the
    metaphysical sense _have_ absolutes in the metaphysical sense, whether we
    know it or not, is putting us in a position that makes us look, as you have
    pointed out, ridiculous. But it also begs the question, so making us look
    ridiculous has really no effect other than to point out that you're betting
    on the usefulness of absolutes and we are not.

    And, once again, I'd like to point out that masochists would view sitting
    on a hot stove as high quality. This is still a problem for Pirsig's
    statement, "But that the quality is low is absolutely certain."


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