Re: MD DQ & emergence

From: Mark Steven Heyman (
Date: Wed Aug 04 2004 - 21:13:59 BST

  • Next message: johnny moral: "RE: MD the metaphysics of free enterprise"

    Hi David, and all,

    On 4 Aug 2004 at 19:56, David Morey wrote:
    msh said:
    I agree completely. What would someone who has completely broken
    away from SOM be like, I wonder.

    DM: I suspect their expectations of freedom would
    make the SOM police lock them up. Look what happened
    in ZMM.

    msh says:
    Yes, this brings up an interesting question. Clearly, Phaedrus
    needed help in the end, when he was sitting in his own urine, letting
    cigarettes burn down into his fingers. At that point, he wasn't just
    a painted bird, colored insane by society for its own purposes; he
    was in a hopeless and highly self-destructive mode. Is Pirsig
    suggesting that complete freedom from SOM is destructive madness? If
    so, it's hard to understand why many of us here seem to desire such
    "freedom." I think he went insane not because he shifted from SOM
    to MOQ, but because he shifted from SOM to... nothing.

    But that brings us back to the question: What would a person who has
    made a complete, non-destructive shift from SOM to MOQ be like? Is
    this even possible? If so, would it be desirable for everyone, 100%
    of the time?

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