Re: MD DQ & emergence

From: ml (
Date: Thu Aug 05 2004 - 06:56:34 BST

  • Next message: ml: "Re: MD Coherence and Swords."

    Apologies...I stand chastened and abashed
    as glib dismissiveness is inappropriate or
    low quality vis prejudiced...


    ----- Original Message -----
    From: "johnny moral" <>
    To: <>
    Sent: Wednesday, August 04, 2004 3:20 PM
    Subject: Re: MD DQ & emergence

    > Hi msh and mel,
    > >mel:
    > >Hmmm. I know some literalist fundamentalists who
    > >make the Taliban look liberal...maybe we should invite
    > >them to participate in some anti-theism discussion.
    > >THAT should be productive ;-)
    > >
    > >msh says:
    > >Would be no less productive than engaging Christian fundamentalists
    > >in the same way. But I note the smiley face, and won't persist. The
    > >point is that truth-seekers give all new points of view a fair, first-
    > >hand reading/hearing, before embracing or dismissing. However, I
    > >concede that there are only so many hours in a lifetime, and choices
    > >must be made.
    > Ths actually isn't true, you don't have to make a choice to dismiss or
    > embrace someone's point of view. You can accept it without embracing it
    > dismissing it. You needn't be worried that it would be invalidating or
    > dismissing your own point view to not invalidate or dismiss someone elses
    > becuase it seems contradictory. If it seems contradictory, just chalk it
    > to different points of view. Different points of view only get nasty with
    > each other when someone feels the need to assert the other one is wrong.
    > It's surprisingly easy to be easy going and see that they are both right.
    > Johnny
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