Re[2]: MD everything-is-connected-to-everything

From: Ilya Korobkov (
Date: Thu Aug 12 2004 - 08:50:31 BST

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    Hi MarshaV,

    Wednesday, August 11, 2004, 4:06:47 PM, you wrote:

    M> Isn't it true, that everything is connected to everything? That at a
    M> quantum level, there is no division between me and trees that surround
    M> me?

    In my opinion, connectedness is the other side of dividedness. If
    there were no dividedness there wouldn't be any connectedness either.

    And for "dividedness" to exist there should be someone to divide.
    As there are no "divider" at a quantum level, there are no dividedness
    and so no connectedness either.

    All this may seem to you pure sophism and demagogy but it is not. It is
    important point of MOQ. What we see as [divided] objects is only
    appearances. Illusion. What are things in themselves (and IF THERE ARE ANY)
    we cannot possibly know. We may only BELIEVE they do exist and call them
    "Value", "Quality", "God", "Spirit" or whatever else.

    M> And isn't that, as a world-view, a new realization?

    Not very new :-) This realization is at least a couple
    of thousands years old (in the EAST) :-)

    M> Doesn't that
    M> deserve seriousness, deep meditation and celebration?

    I think it definitely deserves drinking to it! :-)

    Friendly yours,

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