Re: MD The Birth of the Mind

From: ml (
Date: Mon Aug 16 2004 - 07:08:18 BST

  • Next message: Mark Steven Heyman: "Re: MD MOQ and The Problem Of Evit"

    Hello Marsha:

    > I wish I could have asked Mr. Marcus about "freewill"?
    > Does a scientist, a brain biologist, even think about
    > freewill?

    The answer I got to that question not long ago, was that
    the memories and experience accumulated in the
    brain's formation of mind influence strongly the choice
    one makes, but there is still the awareness, the space
    for the individual brain to question the 'fit' between the
    memory and experience on the one hand and new
    input on the other.

    The very wave front transforms that compare patterns
    and make the associations announce those differences
    or highlight them, which implies a choice to be made.

    In other words, yes! At least some do!


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