RE: MD Solidarity truth

From: Kevin (
Date: Mon Jan 13 2003 - 23:28:50 GMT

  • Next message: Erin N.: "RE: MD Solidarity truth"

    Matt and Platt,

    I thought we went the rounds about "truth criteria" before in another

    Aside from the fact that the flat earth theory was considered at the
    time it was widely held to be logically consistent, in agreement with
    experience and economical.....

    Are you familiar with the film Harvey (1950) starring Jimmy Stewart?
    Elwood P. Dowd (played by Stewart) believes he is in the company of a 6'
    rabbit named Harvey who is invisible to all but him. Everyone thinks
    Elwood is nuts.

    Harvey tells Elwood he is a pooka (websters dict. A mischievous spirit
    in Irish folklore) and therefore capable of extraordinary things,
    including being selectively visible. This explanation suffices for
    Elwood, but not for everyone else. Elwood explains that Harvey is a
    pooka to everyone else, but they still think Elwood is nuts (perhaps
    more so).

    Of course, at the end of the film Harvey reveals himself to Elwood's
    psychologist and leaves Elwood's company. He is still invisible to
    everyone outside of Elwood and Dr. Chumley, but now Harvey's existence
    is no longer merely Elwood's opinion.

    Is Harvey real? Is he logically consistent, in agreement with
    experience, and economical in terms of explanation? Well, from Elwood's
    perspective--yes. From everyone else's--no.

    How do we determine the truth about Harvey?

    If we were Irishmen familiar with stories about pookas would that change
    our minds?

    If we lived in the 11th Century and Elwood was Pope would that change
    our minds?

    If Elwood was a world-famous scientist?

    If Elwood was a philosopher named Pirsig and his pooka was named
    Quality, would that change our minds?

    In my mind, it's not a question about Harvey. It's not a question about
    Elwood. It's a question about ourselves and our worldview. Are we
    dynamic enough to allow for an Elwood in our society? Is our worldview
    too static to assimilate and explain a pooka?

    It's a question of dogma. (err, rabbit-ma)?


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