Re: MD The empirical verifiability of value

From: David Morey (
Date: Sat Aug 28 2004 - 14:36:05 BST

  • Next message: David Buchanan: "RE: MD MOQ and The Ideal Society."

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    ----- Original Message -----
    From: <>
    To: <>
    Sent: Friday, August 27, 2004 8:07 PM
    Subject: Re: MD The empirical verifiability of value

    > Ham Priday to Paul Turner, Platt Holden, Mark Steven Heyman, Scott Roberts
    > Sent: Friday, August 27, 2004 2:50 PM
    > Subject: Re: MD The empirical verifiability of value
    > Greetings to my favorite tattoo enthusiasts!
    > Paul writes to Ham:
    > > As far as Pirsig is concerned, there is no "leap" involved in believing
    > > that quality is real and verifiable. If you think quality isn't real,
    > > you are saying that it is better to believe that than it is to believe
    > that
    > > it is real. The MOQ axiom of "some things are better than others" cannot
    > be
    > > denied without contradiction.
    > > The leap occurs in believing that quality is Quality i.e. that it *is*
    > > reality.
    > That analysis is not worthy of your fine intellect, Paul. The "leap" is
    > believing that Quality is "verifiably real". The leap is realizing that
    > reality is essentially "subjective" or immanent. I was struck, as Mark
    > by Scott Roberts' musing in a related thread on MOQ and Logic/Science:
    > > scott:
    > > What about the mystery of consciousness? Unless someone can show me
    > > how one set of electrons and quarks can be aware of another set --
    > > not just flip a switch to indicate a yes or no answer to the
    > > existence of some pattern or other, but to experience the conscious
    > > phenomenon of seeing that pattern in all its four-dimensional glory --
    > > then there is a mystery, as long, that is, as one assumes that
    > > consciousness is derived from the nonconscious.
    > The prose is beautiful, almost musical. But what caught my attention was
    > the last line: "there is a mystery, as long as one assumes that
    > consciousness is derived from the nonconscious". My question is, why must
    > we make this assumption?
    > We make it because everything we experience is viewed as an "otherness" to
    > ourselves

    {this is not how consciousness begins, prior to SOM mankind saw his
    as full of spirit and saw himself usually as a animal spirit like a
    wolf, -participation mystique,
    otherness of gods & spirits -clearly projected from within therefore not
    other becomes
    objects only via SOM & also subjectivity emerges from this bipolar
    of SOM, this is not really so hard to follow}

     . We are brainwashed to this proposition from the day we start
    > learning about reality.

    {in patriarchal SOM only, repressing the chaotic-creative forces/powers)

    Science, which is the imprimatur of verifiable
    > knowledge, is based on this philosophy. Read Heidegger, Husserl, Sartre,
    > Rand, North, Whitehead -- they're all telling us this because they're
    > existentialists.

    {you seem to be unaware of the diff between Sartre's dualism & Heidegger's

      Thought itself is believed to be an electro-neural process
    > in the brain that evolved in nature. Man strives to "extend" this
    > by constructing a machine with the sensibility to react to objective data
    > the conscious mind does. All is otherness. To see reality in any other
    > is intellectual heresy -- or just plain foolishness.

    {it is what the MOQ does see & some of us see what you do not it seems}

    > But consider for a moment what this belief system implies. If everything
    > that is real is an "objective other", what does that say about our
    > "subjective awareness" of it? That it is unreal? That it is an illusion
    > of Nature? That it is excluded from participation in ultimate reality?
    > The logic of that philosophy is unreasonable and untenable to me.
    > I submit that some aspect of consciousness is at least as "real" as the
    > objective world we perceive. Instead of accepting the notion that
    > proprietary awareness is a disconnected product of material reality, I've
    > turned this cosmology upside down.

    {turn dualism upside down & it is still dualism}

     My philosophy posits human sensibility
    > (the "psychic" component of consciousness) as the "creative agent" of an
    > all-encompassing reality rather than an incidental, passive effect. This
    > not the empirical reality we "know", of course, and I discuss some
    > teleological reasons why this must be so (the principle of autonomous
    > freedom being one of them). But if man's reality is more than a
    > reflection of its source, it must be grounded in the "essence" of the
    > source. Is this any less logical than the existential perspective which
    > presupposes "beingness'' as the ultimate reality?

    {look, Pirsig's Q/DQ/SQ analysis of experience recognises the reality
    of all experience, DQ's creativity & agency is obvious and recognised
    within experience, it is also universal to all experience along with Q & SQ.
    It is also conceptually un-entangable from values. So there is nothing about
    your essence that Pirsig does not find in experience, if a quality is not
    in experience what can we say about it? Is Q/DQ/SQ universal?
    looks that way, Pirsig proposes how it works for all the levels.
    I cannot see what your essence adds to this. It makes a claim to something
    higher? Why higher? Why not just universal like Q/SQ/DQ?
    Pirsig does not limit quality to human experience, as he asks how the levels
    emerged prior to the human. What Pirsig offers has a power of explanation
    that does not have the contradictions of dualism, materialism, idealism,
    your essence tries to move out of reality to explain contradictions
    that Pirsig has explained within reality-experience. Do you seek a reality
    beyond experience? Does not god need to experience? Perhaps the
    world of experience also makes god possible?}

    > You can deny the Source. You can apply the label Quality to it and say
    > Quality IS "it". (Alan Watts in his Zen-based thesis "The Supreme
    > said "You are It!") But you are still bound to a metaphysics of being
    > (i.e., material reality).

    {no materiality in MOQ only quality static patterns }

      While the concept may not be new to Eastern
    > mysticism, I believe that a concept of Essence whose Value is immanent to
    > man represents a significant leap in contemporary Western philosophy.

    {immanent value has no need of talk of higher! -come on Ham you must be
    getting it by now}

    > So I remain . . .
    > Essentially yours,
    > Ham
    > >
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