Re: MD the quality of equality

From: Wim Nusselder (
Date: Tue Aug 31 2004 - 06:04:28 BST

  • Next message: "Re: MD The individual in the MOQ"

    Dear Mel,

    You wrote 17 Aug 2004 07:58:10 -0600:
    'In practice the broad bell curve of distribution makes for greater
    stability compared to a severely disparate bimodal distribution for
    wealth, but the really tough part is how this is accomplished.'

    By restricting the extremes. (Not prohibitive restrictions, which would
    produce a 'pillar-curve', but restrictions that reduce the chance of the
    extremes.) High quality 3rd level patterns of values are preferable to low
    quality 3rd level patterns of values to do effectuate these restrictions.

    Chapter 4 of my "Economics of Want and Greed"
    ( or via
    can be read as a description of a hierarchy of 4 different types of 3rd
    level patterns of values.
    - Voluntary association around ideas (convincing ideologies) is preferable
    to capitalistic entrepreneurs exchanging and competing on markets (economic
    - The enterprise/market-type of 3rd level patterns of value is preferable to
    organization by a state
    (government enforcement).
    - The state is preferable still to a supposedly "natural" distribution based
    on family relations and ethnicity.
    - Even a "natural" distribution is preferable to a distribution produced by
    the law of the jungle (in the absence of restrictive 3rd level patterns of
    value), where the distribution of genetically determined attributes
    determines who gets most.

    Please keep in mind that in reality 3rd level patterns of value are mixed:
    e.g. democracy (in which the enforcing government is legitimized by
    political parties convincing their constituency of their ideas) is a mix of
    4th and 2nd type 3rd level patterns of value.

    With friendly greetings,


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