MD The self is all levels.

Date: Mon Sep 06 2004 - 05:18:04 BST

  • Next message: Arlo J. Bensinger: "Re: RE; MD the individual in the MOQ"

    Hi Mark,

    very interesting, really! Still, I don't understand something.
    Mark 6-9-04: Hi Ilya, I've changed the subject because i'm not prepeard to
    deal with Platt Holden.

    How does it happen that in our ordinary life we don't feel
    ourselves as three separate entities - biological, social and
    intellectual, but feel ourselves as one whole self?
    It you say that the self is illusion, then I will ask, THE ILLUSION OF
    Mark 6-9-04: The entities you describe are intellectual patterns of value.
    But the postulation that inorganic patterns exist independently of intellectual
     values is high Quality and derived empirical experience.
    As for the self, i direct you to the, 'time lag' argument. Patterned
    experience is always of the past. Therefore, 'you' are a narrative built from past
    experience. This 'you' is what experience makes it.

    I introduced the concept of hierarchy of dominance of patterns
    to explain this problem and thought the mystery solved. But today I
    suddenly thought: WHERE or IN WHOM does this hierarchy exist? If there
    are no place and no one where or in whom the hierarchy exist then the
    very idea of hierarchy doesn't make any sense! We are exactly where
    we had started from.

    Hope you will help to clear things up.

    Best regards,
    Mark 6-9-04: All ideas are intellectual postulations and graded by Quality.
    The best ideas survive.
    Re: Hierachy. The evolutionary related levels of the MOQ are a moral
    hierarchy. The most recent levels are moraly superior to the older ones. Experience
    tells us this is a high Quality intellectual postualtion.
    All the best,

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