RE: MD Gardner on Pragmatism

From: Glenn Bradford (
Date: Thu Jan 16 2003 - 03:38:40 GMT

  • Next message: john williams: "Re: MD Making sense of it"

    >Determine whether a card "truly" is spades?
    >Can you say that is true in a visual sense, meaningless in an auditory sense?
    >The truth of it being spades does seem to be *made* by events..of the visual
    >system. To grant it as absolute truth is to grant truth is visual in nature

    Seeing is believing, in this case!
    What you are really saying is that turning over the card and
    looking at it *determines* the truth of the statement,
    "This card is the Queen of Hearts". But also, there is a
    commonsense notion that this statement attains a truth value at
    the moment you select the card from the spread, even though you don't
    yet know what it is. The die is cast, so to speak. It is this notion
    of truth, that is independent of people and exists "out there", that
    is distinct from the methods for deciding a truth for our sake.

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