RE: MD On Faith

From: Chuck Roghair (
Date: Thu Oct 07 2004 - 20:00:33 BST

  • Next message: Horse: "RE: MD On Faith"

    Hello Scott, Platt, All,

    Platt (I think):

    > Finally, terrorists adopt the biological moral code of "might makes
    > right." That's what makes terrorism a biological pattern.

    Scott replies:

    "There may be other reasons for terrorism, like a belief that my social
    group is superior to all others, and therefore the others should be
    converted to my group's way. But again, the use of force is as a means to
    this social end, it is not what makes the social end right."

    My question:

    What about terrorism in God's name or some compelling sense of morality or
    extreme "I know better than you-ness"? For example:

    A religious zealot bombs an abortion clinic because he believes it to be
    God's will.

    I don't think that's a biological pattern. Is it social? Intellectual?

    Can somebody help me out here?



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