Re: MD Colfax Avenue ?

From: ml (
Date: Sat Oct 09 2004 - 06:40:30 BST

  • Next message: Ian Glendinning: "Re: MD Colfax Avenue ?"

    Hello Ian...


    > A question for you US cultural hisorians ...
    > When John mentions "Twenty-six-forty-nine Colfax Avenue, 8 years before"
    > Bob and Sylvia, whilst they're all basking in the post-wine-and-fish inner
    > glow at the DeWeese's and Sylvia says let's not talk about it, but John
    > makes a knowing remark to Bob about the quality of the evening with
    > ...
    > Do we know specifically which Colfax Avenue, which previous friends' party
    > they're referring to ?
    > Is it an allusion, or direct reference, to Jack Kerouac's night in Denver
    > On The Road ?
    > Anyone know the significance ?


    Found this, here:

    2649 South Colfax Ave, Minneapolis
    John Sutherland and his wife Sylvia, are one of the four main characters in
    ZMM. "Later John mumbles something a few times, looks up and announces,
    "This does it-this just does the whole thing for us . . . Now we can go back
    for another eight years on Twenty-six-forty-nine Colfax Avenue." Sylvia says
    mournfully, "Let's not talk about that."
    Minneapolis MN dusk shrouds the quiet well maintained home at 2649 South
    Colfax Ave. From the contextual evidence contained in ZMM we may deduce that
    John's statement about Colfax Avenue surely must be about his home in
    Minneapolis MN, where sure enough shows it as a N-S street,
    just west of the downtown area. In a recent letter Pirsig said of this
    photograph. "This could be John's house. [They] Moved to the country in late
    '70's." ZMM author Robert Pirsig went to Elementary School about ten blocks
    North of Here. The children Pirsig went to school with would have come from
    this neighborhood. As a child, he may have walked through this area of town.

    There is a Colorado street Colfax, the longest
    named street in America (supposedly, but any
    Chamber of Commerce looks for some reason
    to be unique.) , part of it runs through Denver,
    part is West in Jefferson County and the rest
    East in Arapahoe and Adams Counties.

    Kerouac spent much longer than his literary night in
    Denver and may have 'got up to some considerable
    shenanigans' as the old expression goes.

    But this is an aside...


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