Re: MD Making sense of it

From: john williams (
Date: Sat Jan 18 2003 - 10:45:07 GMT

  • Next message: john williams: "MD music"


    > Supposedly we all read ZMM and Lila. Many claim to have read them more
    > once. Why read them more than once? i'll give you my answer: things were
    > "understood" differently the second time around, my "take" changed, my
    > changed after reading it again and again the next time i read it.....
    > Why is that?

    John says: Mari in my opinion what is happening is your static quality is
    changing. The first time you read one of the books you were given a whole
    new range of ideas and experiences. We all did and most of these were
    positive, these were the Dynamic Quality of the book. Once you had absorbed
    this it became part of your personal Static Quality, You were altered,
    Dynamic Quality is constantly moving through and bumping up against Static
    Quality, causing subtle changes to the SQ. The next time you read the book
    you were once again hit by the Dynamic Quality of the book, this time most
    likely other parts of the book that hadn't got to you so much the first
    time, this again is absorbed into your SQ. This happens to us constantly,
    everything we learn and experience changes how we look at things, especially
    if you are an open vessel who takes things in.

    The societal example of this is Radicals, be they Greenies, Feminists,
    animal liberationist. They are the DQ of our political movements they crash
    up against the SQ of our societies making all sorts of extreme claims and
    statements to which the rest of us say, "I agree in principle but your going
    to far," What they do is allow those in the the society who are moderate to
    move into the space behind them and force the subtle changes to the
    societies SQ. They are important because without Radicals the moderates in
    the society become the radicals and change is much harder to acheive.

    John from The Rock

    ----- Original Message -----
    From: "Mari" <>
    To: <>
    Sent: Thursday, January 16, 2003 4:06 AM
    Subject: MD Making sense of it

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