Re: MD is god real?

From: Mark Steven Heyman (
Date: Thu Oct 21 2004 - 05:23:40 BST

  • Next message: Mark Steven Heyman: "MD ZMM: Required Reading?"

    David Morey,

    Your response to my question "How does God differ from Pirsig's
    Quality" was, semi-respectfully, a lot of shuck, shuffle, and jive.

    My belief in the reality of Quality derives form the absurdity of a
    world without it, as Pirsig so clearly shows in ZMM.

    So, my question here is: How would a world, devoid of Quality, be
    different from a world devoid of God? Please be as specific as

    Scott Roberts, if you are reading along, I'd be interested in your
    response to this question, just substitute "disembodied
    consciousness" for "God."

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