Re: MD Where does quality reside?

From: Mark Steven Heyman (
Date: Fri Oct 29 2004 - 15:11:21 BST

  • Next message: Mark Steven Heyman: "Re: MD Where does quality reside?"

    On 29 Oct 2004 at 14:12, Keith Goldthorpe/UK/Tesco wrote:
    "The reason people see Quality differently, he said, is because
    they come to it with different sets of analogues. He gave
    linguistic examples, showing that to us the Hindi letters da, da, and
    dha all sound identical to us because we don't have analogues
    to them to sensitize us to their differences. Similarly, most
    Hindi-speaking people cannot distinguish between da and the
    because they are not so sensitized. It is not uncommon, he said, for
    Indian villagers to see ghosts. But they have a terrible time seeing
    the law of gravity."

    msh says:
    Ah, yes. I'd forgotten this part. This idea of different anlogues
    is related to what I've been talking about as our broader or narrower
    bases of experience. I think.

    Thanks, Keith.

    Mark Steven Heyman (msh)

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