Re: MD Where does quality reside?

From: Mark Steven Heyman (
Date: Wed Nov 03 2004 - 01:15:47 GMT

  • Next message: "Re: MD Where does quality reside?"

    Hi Rich,

    Nice to hear from you, I think.

    How do you reconcile Pirsig's claim that Quality exists, but that is
    the only thing we can say about it, that, in all other ways it must
    remain undefined, with all the things he says about it in order to
    jump-start the MOQ?

    I'm suggesting that what you guys see as divine guidance and
    intervention is really just philosophical assumption, painted with
    metaphor, for the purposes of deriving a useful metaphysics.

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    On 2 Nov 2004 at 16:15, Richard Loggins wrote:

    You are wrong and Platt is right. Pirsig SURELY means that Dynamic
    Quality LITERALLY creates subjects and objects. He says it in several
    places as Platt quotes from and several more he hasn't. Pirsig ain't
    no poet. He'sa plain talker. Any other watered down interpertation
    of his writing is horribly mistaken. Pirsig's bold strokes is what
    gives his philosophy originality,power, and genius, even if that is
    not completely understood. Mark, I see a similar milk toast
    interpretation of Christianity coming from you - that if Jesus didn't
    really raise himself from the dead it woouldn't matter much to most
    Christions. This would be laughable if it weren't so belittling.
    People would abandon Christianity in a few heartbeats if this was so,
    and then it might morph into an organization likethe Red Cross. Its
    the divine that attracts people toChristianity and its the divine
    that attracts people to the MoQ. You need to go back and re-read his
    books with this new perspective, for you have filtered Pirsig through
    your ordinary glasses and come away with little of the intended
    message. Man, you really missed it

    Mark Steven Heyman <> wrote:
        On 2 Nov 2004 at 16:08, Platt Holden wrote:
        You may if you wish consider Pirsig's description so much poetic
        license and thus not the way it actually happened. If so, the MOQ
        would be just another bedtime story.
        msh says:
        I think taking him literally in this regard belittles Pirsig's
        intellingence and imagination. The literal interpretation of this
        part of the MOQ is the bedtime story, I'm afraid.
        Mark Steven Heyman (msh)
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