MD Why I'm here.

From: MarshaV (
Date: Sat Nov 13 2004 - 11:47:01 GMT

  • Next message: Platt Holden: "RE: MD Wisconsin School OKs Creationism Teaching"

    If I might embarrass myself again...

    At 09:42 PM 11/12/2004 -0700,Mel stated:

    Not to be the eternal dreamer, but then that is the
    only way progress is made, ultimately, as a prime
    motivation, but to me the real question to me is:
    given that we are all here now and history is not
    affectable, how do we forge a more dynamic "tribe,"
    a new American tribe that reaches far beyond any
    single tradition? Where do we find the Dynamic.

    While on this list, I have learned many things, and been given many new 
    ideas to consider, I am really here seeking a method of putting Quality 
    into my life.  My hypothesis is that it is found in Mindfulness, or the 
    Now, because that is where meaningful choice (at the moment when quality 
    emerges, pre-thought) can be made.  Are there other suggestions?  I'll be 
    silent and listen.
    I became an eternal dreamer when I first read ZMM.
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