Re: MD Question

From: Matt the Enraged Endorphin (
Date: Thu Jan 23 2003 - 18:27:41 GMT

  • Next message: Matt the Enraged Endorphin: "RE: MD The historical context of Pragmatism"

    Joey C.,

    Unfortunately, I don't know all that much about Chomsky (i.e. I'm not an
    expert on him), but here is what I know: much of his work in linguistics
    has been about a universal "deep structure" that is the same for all
    language users and all languages. On the surface, this may seem similar to
    Pirsig's description of all people universally experiencing Quality.

    Pragmatists are, of course, deeply skeptical about the existence of a
    "universal deep structure." How would we know? The linguists reply that
    we have to posit this deep structure or else there would be no way to do
    linguistics. The pragmatists, following Donald Davidson, reply that the
    actual learning of a language has nothing to do with a positing of a deep
    structure, so why should we continue with one in linguistics?
    Universalists side with Chomsky (and so might offer a universalist reading
    of Pirsig), while pragmatists side with Davidson (and so might offer a
    pragmatist reading of Pirsig).

    So, Joey C., in essence, if you like Chomsky, that might be his relation to


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