Re: MD the worst thing about 9/11 according to the MoQ

From: Mark Steven Heyman (
Date: Tue Nov 16 2004 - 03:05:22 GMT

  • Next message: Charles Roghair: "Re: MD the worst thing about 9/11 according to the MoQ"

    On 15 Nov 2004 at 18:14, wrote:

    The United States sent the world a message with Operation Iraqi
    Freedom. The terrorists can knock down buildings. The United States
    can knock down entire governments. The terrorists INTEND to kill
    civilians. The United States does NOT. Repeat, the US does NOT intend
    to kill civilians!

    msh says:
    Let's set aside for the moment the historical fact that the US most
    certainly has deliberately killed civilians, in Dresden, Nagasaki,
    Hiroshima, Royan in France at the very end of WWII for no military
    reason other than wanting to test Napalm, which would then be used to
    kill more civilians in North and South Vietnam, Laos, illegal and
    secret carpet-bombing of Cambodia... Not to mention financial,
    military, and diplomatic support of Indonesia's genocide in East
    Timor, direct military, financial, and logistical support for death
    squads in El Salvador and Guatemala, direct terrorist strikes against
    the democratically elected government of Nicaragua..... Well, it
    goes on and on, and back to the very beginnings of the country.

    Instead, let's focus on the first few days and nights of the recent
    US invasion of Iraq, when hundreds of Cruise missiles were fired into
    Baghdad business and government centers and surrounding
    neighborhoods. Conservative estimates put the civilian death toll at
    well over a thousand due to these missile attacks alone. In what
    sense, precisely, is this not intentionally murdering civilians?
    What's the argument? "Well, we didn't tell them to be sleeping
    there, in their homes, at 3am, dammit. They got in the way!"

    Jon, your little essay is nonsense, the rantings of a mind horribly
    brain-washed of historical reality. Sorry. Nothing personal: you
    can probably blame it on your parents, or maybe Rush Limbaugh or
    something, Bill O'Reilly. Or have you been hanging around with my
    friend Platt? Anyway...thanks for the fantasy diversion.

    Good luck in the asylum,
    Mark Steven Heyman (msh)

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