MD Stopping The Mischief Makers

From: Mark Steven Heyman (
Date: Wed Nov 17 2004 - 02:34:28 GMT

  • Next message: Dan Glover: "Re: MD People and Value in the MOQ"

    Hi Mel,

    Thanks for the concise history of warfare.

    On 16 Nov 2004 at 9:13, mel wrote:

    DO understand the stakes they perceived at the
    time: Survival or Complete Extinction of their
    very existence. Liberal Democratic forms of
    government or Totalitarian Dominance.

    msh says:
    I do understand the stakes, which is why I am unwilling to say that
    the fire-bombing of Dresden, the nuclear bombing of Japan, were 100%
    indefensible. There is no way I or any sane person would have wanted
    the Allied powers to be defeated in that war. However, I do not
    believe that these deliberate terrorist displays (which is what they
    were) were necessary to win the war; but I concede that there is
    respectable argument for the opposing view.

    Americans are inherently and surprisingly
    isolationist even to this day, as individuals,
    but in a century or more of time we have
    seen that folks left alone in other parts of
    the world get up to significant mischief.

    Our lesson learned (right or wrong) is to
    kill, cripple, derail, or buy-off mischief
    makers early in their cycle of ambition and
    expend fewer lives of our young later.

    msh says:
    This is American mythology, right off the rack; but it is an idea I'm
    interested in. I don't want to spend a lot of time pursuing it if
    you are unwilling to clearly state your position. Is it your
    position that the USG does not and has not murderously intervened in
    the affairs of other sovereign nations unless they perceive some
    significant threat to the citizens of the United States? If this is
    not what you mean, will you clearly state what you mean, giving some
    examples of what you would call significant mischief?

    If you choose not to clearly state your position, and the meaning of
    your terms, then there is no need to reply.

    Mark Steven Heyman (msh)

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