RE: MD Empiricism

From: Scott Roberts (
Date: Mon Nov 22 2004 - 03:05:28 GMT

  • Next message: David Buchanan: "RE: MD James, Pirsig, Mysticism"


    > > Division is an inherent part of reality, not just of language and
    > > If there was no division there would be no experience at all. Nirvana is
    > > samsara. The idea that experience before we think about it is undivided
    > > absurd. If there is anything at all, there is division. If a baby
    > > experiences the dharmakaya light, isn't there a baby, without which
    > > would be no experience of the dharmakaya light?
    > Need I point out that babies and lights and "anything" are words and
    > thoughts? It seems you're saying without language and thoughts there
    > be no experience and no reality, a dubious proposition unless one
    > the universe began with the first experiencing human being. Surely there
    > is something without the divisions we find necessary in order to describe
    > our experiences.
    > Where have I gone wrong in interpreting what you say?

    First, I am overall saying two things that need to be distinguished. Let us
    first keep the words 'language' and 'thought' as meaning human language and
    thought. With this restriction, no, I am of course not saying that without
    language and thought there would be no experience and no reality. I am
    saying that with no division, or distinction, or differentiation there
    would be no experience and no reality. There is no DQ without SQ, and SQ
    *is* SQ by not being "everything".

    The second thing I have been saying, though not so much in this thread, is
    that I think that Quality creates *by* distinguishing, and so I think that
    human language and thought, which also creates by distinguishing, is
    Quality writ small, that the human intellectual level is not just another
    level of SQ, but DQ/SQ interaction, of a limited and finite sort.

    - Scott

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