RE: MD Is Morality Relative?

From: Mark Steven Heyman (
Date: Mon Dec 06 2004 - 05:39:07 GMT

  • Next message: ml: "Re: MD Is Morality Relative?"

    Hi DMB,

    We don't often speak to one another directly, but I just wanted to
    say I carefully read and appreciate every one of your posts. With
    you on one shoulder and Sam Norton on the other, I'm moving forward
    in spite of (because of) all the heated impish and contradictory

    I particularly like the jargon-busting snippet pasted below... I was
    ROFL (does anyone use that abbreviation any more?)...


    On 5 Dec 2004 at 13:44, David Buchanan wrote:

    Ham said:
    I can't speak for Pirsig. My cosmology derives from Eckhart's
    intuitive concept that "man is a nothingness" and that "God creates
    being from nothingness." I posit man as a "negate" -- an entity
    whose essence-value is an "otherness" to him. To become cognizant of
    Being, the subject (self) re-negates this otherness incrementally (in
    experience), deriving its value as the positive result of two
    negatives. Since individual selfness has no place in absolute
    Essence, Value is man's link to Essence. To realize that Value, he
    must, as you say, "suspend" his selfness (ego), which is consistent
    with Buddhistic mysticism.

    dmb says:
    This reminds of a similar thought I had the other day. It concerns my
    cosmology, which is also derived from an intuitive concept, but is
    far more sophisticated insofar as it posits a triple negation of
    nothingness thereby producing a double-double postivity. The
    incremental valuation of the total quality range expands even as it
    reaches back around to form an enclosed circle. When this circle is
    bisected and a square is centered on the dividing line, its vertical
    sides touch that line to form three line segments, two of which are
    identical. (Disregard one of the twins here.) The ratio between the
    two remaining line segments can be found thoughout the forms, not
    matter what quality level we wish to examine. See? The triple
    negation and the double-double cancel or rather balance each other
    out and the magic of the ratio is revealed. Seen this way, God is
    mathematically provable, but such proof requires a human calculator.
    This is the thought that occured to me the other day intuitively.

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