Re: MD The MOQ and Mysticism 101

From: Phaedrus Wolff (
Date: Mon Dec 27 2004 - 17:36:57 GMT

  • Next message: Paul Turner: "RE: MD Is Morality Relative? (or "Is there anything out there?")"

    Sam) -- Or, in the Christian tradition, you can judge a tree by its fruits.
    "And what is good,

    Whew! I like this.

    The quote you mention here brings more sense to my life than anything else.
    Before my youngest son came along, life was so easy; there was nothing to
    question; everything just fit into place.

    Then came the dreaded ADHD which was only the first of the many diagnoses
    offered from the Psychos; psychiatrists, psychologists, neurologists,
    psycho-pharmacologists, etc.

    After some 7 or 8 years (I think he was 12) of following the advice of the
    professionals, and reading everything I could get my hands on of the
    different diagnoses and neurology, we were sitting in the psychologist's
    office that we had come to respect more than any we had visited before, and
    an emotion filled vision of everything we had gone through started building
    up inside of me, pulled me up out of my chair, and I commenced to saying
    things I think I had no control over which were summarized with a final
    sentence; "For all these years, we have been following the recommendations
    of the professionals, advice of the teachers and preachers, and we have
    gotten nowhere. I am going to take my son away from all the Psychos,
    advisors, and off all the medications, and am going to raise him as I see
    fit, and no one is going to stand in my way."

    In the ninth grade, it was revealed to me that since the end of grade tests
    were implemented into the school system (his 4th grade) that my son had
    managed to score the highest in his schools on these tests, even though he
    had received failing marks all through the school years. To make a long
    story short, even after involving the state and federal boards of education,
    and after the head of the Department of Exceptional Children was instructed
    to find a way to see that this child would NOT receive failing marks again,
    it seemed there was no hope, and all these Victorian Principled teachers
    would never be able to allow a child like this into their system without
    judgments, he finally dropped out. This is nowhere close to the whole
    story -- it would take a book, but that one instance of a quality decision
    changed not only my son's, but my life as well; from failure to success.

    Below is a snippet from ZMM that brought a tear to my eye, and is possibly
    more true than anything else I have read;

    After a long time I give him a rag to wipe his face with. We gather up our
    stuff and pack it on the motorcycle. Now the fog suddenly lifts and I see
    the sun on his face makes his expression open in a way I've never seen it
    before. He puts on his helmet, tightens the strap, then looks up.
    "Were you really insane?"
    Why should he ask that?
    Astonishment hits. But Chris's eyes sparkle.
    "I knew it," he says.
    Then he climbs on the cycle and we are off.
    As we ride now through coastal manzanita and waxen- leafed shrubs, Chris's
    expression comes to mind. "I knew it," he said.
    The cycle swings into each curve effortlessly, banking so that our weight is
    always down through the machine no matter what its angle is with the ground.
    The way is full of flowers and surprise views, tight turns one after another
    so that the whole world rolls and pirouettes and rises and falls away.
    "I knew it," he said. It comes back now as one of those little facts tugging
    at the end of a line, saying it's not as small as I think it is. It's been
    in his mind for a long time. Years. All the problems he's given become more
    understandable. "I knew it," he said.
    He must have heard something long ago, and in his childish misunderstanding
    gotten it all mixed up. That's what Phædrus always said...I always
    said...years ago, and Chris must have believed it, and kept it hidden inside
    ever since.
    We're related to each other in ways we never fully understand, maybe hardly
    understand at all. He was always the real reason for coming out of the
    hospital. To have let him grow up alone would have been really wrong. In the
    dream too he was the one who was always trying to open the door.
    I haven't been carrying him at all. He's been carrying me!
    "I knew it," he said. It keeps tugging on the line, saying my big problem
    may not be as big as I think it is, because the answer is right in front of
    me. For God's sake relieve him of his burden! Be one person again!

    ----- Original Message -----
    From: "Sam Norton" <>
    To: <>
    Sent: Monday, December 27, 2004 5:56 AM
    Subject: Re: MD The MOQ and Mysticism 101

    > Hi MSH, Chin, DMB et al,
    > > msh says:
    > > So conviction is the key? I'm not trying to be difficult here; I'm
    > > really very interested in this subject, and I appreciate the time you
    > > and Sam and others are taking with this. I'm trying to understand
    > > how one might differentiate the Brujos from the Mansons. Clearly
    > > their say-so isn't enough, is it?
    > I've been browsing in William James again, to try and meet Chin's request,
    and it's nice to come
    > across things that are useful. So on p400 of my edition (not quite the
    same as the on-line text), he
    > says: "The Vedantists say that one may stumble into super-consciousness
    sporadically, without the
    > previous discipline, but it is impure. Their test of its purity, like our
    test of religion's value,
    > is empirical: its fruits must be good for life."
    > Or, in the Christian tradition, you can judge a tree by its fruits. "And
    what is good,
    > Phaedrus....."
    > Sam
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