RE: MD Them pesky skeptics

From: Erin (
Date: Wed Jan 12 2005 - 16:06:08 GMT

  • Next message: Ant McWatt: "MD The MOQ and Mysticism 101"

    Matt said:

    If static patterns are mediated reality

    And Dynamic Quality is unmediated reality

    I don't think mediated/unmediated is a good distinction. It suggests
    that a third metaphysical entity is in there doing the mediating rather
    than a process, i.e., static latching. My preferred distinction is
    undifferentiated/differentiated which I think is also more descriptive
    and meaningful to what the MOQ is talking about. This may prevent
    problems later.

    I am not fully clear at why undifferentiated/differentiated doesn't suggest a third metaphysical entity doing the differentiating just because it is a process--- static latching is kind of suggesting static latches are doing the latching. So wouldn't the static latches be a mediating process. Could clairy the distinction between these two terms more.




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