Re: MD Linguistics (Was Kantian etc ...)

From: Matt Kundert (
Date: Wed Feb 16 2005 - 03:29:56 GMT

  • Next message: Charles Roghair: "Re: MD Pure experience and the Kantian problematic"


    "(Realist, pragmatist, whatever - the isms are part of the problem, not the

    Nah, "isms" are simply a way of reading and interpreting. I think people
    take the categories the wrong way when the see them as hampering
    understanding. Categories like "realist" and "pragmatist" arise only after
    you've tried to understand them, are part of the attempt to understand, as
    classifying patterns of linguistic similarity and conceptual work. McKeon
    was misunderstood by Pirsig because of this prejudice against
    "classification." Except, what else is understanding than classification?
    How else are we to understand unless we differentiate? The problem is
    taking the classifications as written in the stars, as Platonists are wont
    to do. But pragmatists don't do that. They use them as a map with which to
    make their way around philosophy. As new bumps appear, you change the map.

    Trying to eshew "isms" is like the "end of philosophy" debate. Its just one
    more "ism," just as trying to "end philosophy" is just one more kind of


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