Re: MD Pure experience and the Kantian problematic

From: Erin (
Date: Sun Feb 20 2005 - 21:26:19 GMT

  • Next message: Erin: "Re: MD Pure experience and the Kantian problematic"

    Ant McWatt states:

    I think the above paragraph comes back to what a particular philosopher
    understands by the term “empirical” rather than the generalisations of a
    standard undergraduate textbook. I therefore tend to agree with Ron
    Winchester’s line with this particular debate.


    Another way (in my opinion a less twisted way) to view it would be--- some philosophers prefer to expand the term empirical vs. some philosophers prefer to limit the term empirical.
    You said earlier in your post on a different matter " You’re expanding the term
    “supernatural” so much as to make it meaningless. " Since you can have that complaint with one word can you also have it with another, (e.g. empirical) without the argument beign reduced from philosophical belief to generalization from a standard undergraduate textbook.

    You have also requested clarity. I have also sought that out but have given up hope at getting it from Ron so since you agree with him I would like to request it from you.

    Could you answer a couple a questions for me.

    1) What is the best definition of empirical in your opinion?

    2) Do you think that experiencing the quality of a painting is the same type of experience as experiencing the length of a painting?

    3) If you do see a difference in experiences and/or verifiablity why is it wrong to distinguish these type of experiences, especially when other distinctions,e.g. types of quality or another fave typing by politically-proned members--types of people) are welcomed here



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