Re: MD Pure experience and the Kantian problematic

From: Erin (
Date: Mon Feb 21 2005 - 13:57:53 GMT

  • Next message: Erin: "RE: MD Pure experience and the Kantian problematic"

    Erin stated February 20th:

    Could you answer a couple a questions for me.

    1) What is the best definition of empirical in your opinion?

    Ant McWatt answers:

    Sorry about this Erin but when I said I agree with Ron it’s because I also
    have little interest in the issue of empiricism as it has been discussed on
    MOQ Discuss recently.

    ERIN: Alrighty but it seems kind of funny after a post demanding clarity and explanation you give me this kind of answer when I request the same on your part. C'mon seeing is believing. Not defining it is only confirming my belief that extending it leads to confusion---is it so confused that the word is not definable now? So when you complained that the meaning of "supernatural" was extended so far it rendered the word meaningless---you think a fair response would be sorry but I'm not interested in defining it?

    I guess the conversation is over but just to clarify for you about this:
    Erin stated February 20th:

    ...especially when other distinctions,e.g. types of quality or another fave
    typing by politically-proned members--types of people) are welcomed here

    Ant McWatt comments:

    Erin, this last section is gobbledegook (those typos again!) or a riddle by
    the Mad Hatter or possibly both. It would therefore be helpful if you could
    re-state it if there is a serious point lurking in there somewhere,

    ERIN: I was just trying to understand why some distinctions are allowed (those above are just two examples) but distinguishing types of experiences by using the word empirical is taboo

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