Re: MD Nihilism

From: ian glendinning (
Date: Thu Feb 24 2005 - 19:28:55 GMT

  • Next message: Platt Holden: "Re: MD Nihilism"

    Ant, and Marsha,

    (SOM Philosophy = Enlightenment philosophy - I like that summary.)

    Anyway - the problem here is a false dichotomy surely ?
    Why worry about the binary oposition of Nihilism and Ultimate Purpose ?

    Ant McWatt notes:
    Well, this is where the MOQ should help for while it
    agrees with nihilism that there is no static purposes or ends in the
    universe, it recognises that there is a Dynamic one. An ongoing creative
    dance that – on the whole - is becoming ever more sophisticated and
    wondrous ... I often did without TV for many months and after a
    couple of weeks didn't miss it. The Student Union Bar was usually a far
    more Dynamic experience! :-)

    I say,
    I completely identify with that view, but why dynamic "purpose" - why
    not just dynamic "fact of life" ? People need purposes, but why does
    the world have to have one ?

    Incidentally ... I've spent the last few days in a hotel room, and
    haven't switched the TV on once. I did spend a night in a local
    live-music bar full mainly of Goths (those worshippers of Nihil, it
    might be said) and came away envigorated with the dynamism. Can't beat


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