RE: MD Pure experience and the Kantian problematic

From: David Buchanan (
Date: Sat Feb 26 2005 - 23:03:45 GMT

  • Next message: David Buchanan: "RE: MD Pure experience and the Kantian problematic"

    Erin, Scott, Ant and all MOQers:

    Erin said to dmb:
    When somebody here expresses a disagreement there is a knee-jerk response
    that a DISAGREEMENT = misunderstanding. ...So it is frustrating when you
    repeatedly explain what somebody thinks they already understand but just
    DISAGREE with. ...For a second can you consider the mere possibility that a
    person understands what Pirsig says and disagrees with it.

    dmb replies:
    After reading the exchanges between Scott and Anthony, I think it is more
    clear than ever. Scott disagrees BECAUSE he misunderstands. Or rather, Scott
    doesn't understand Pirsig well enough to agree or disagree. It happens over
    and over again. Look. Even as Scott sought to carefully explain that he
    understood and only disagreed, he did it again....

    Scott Roberts stated February 21st:
    Most of my criticisms of the MOQ derive from two sources. One comes from my
    thinking about consciousness and language, and the other comes from the
    Buddhist doctrine that form is formlessness, formlessness is form. It is my
    opinion that the MOQ has not grasped this...

    Ant McWatt quoted Pirsig:
    "In Buddhism, the world can be described in terms of 'The First Principle',
    sometimes called 'Formlessness' or 'nothingness' or 'freedom' which
    parallels the treatment of Quality in ZMM. The world can also be described
    in terms of 'The Second Principle' of 'Form' or 'order' which parallels the
    treatment of quality in LILA. In Buddhism, form and formlessness, freedom
    and order, co-exist." (Pirsig 1999a)

    dmb continues:
    Isn't it clear that Scott has misunderstood? Its almost too obvious, isn't
    it? I think it might even be insulting to explain the contrast between
    Scott's characterization of Pirsig's view and Pirsig's actual comments, dear
    reader, so I won't.

    For Erin, I'd add that there are a number of ways to correctly interpret
    Pirsig, or anyone else. But there are a lot more ways to get it wrong. It
    like fixing a motorcycle. There is room to improvise, be creative, make
    additions. But if you don't understand what you're doing, you can really
    hack things up so they don't work at all. We don't need a perfect critera by
    which to judge, nor do we need to have "absolute" knowledge of anything.
    (Whatever those things are?) If we want to understand what Pirsig thinks we
    read what he writes. If we are interested in something more than our own
    interpretations, then maybe we will check our impression against those of
    other Pirsig readers. And so here we are. Now we have Ant providing us with
    a direct and relevant Pirsig quote to correct Scott's misconception. One
    that even employs the same terms. Its a beautiful thing. Don't waste it.


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