Re: MD Contradictions

From: Scott Roberts (
Date: Sat Mar 19 2005 - 01:44:06 GMT

  • Next message: "Re: MD Contradictions"


    Ham said:
    But Scott's "ubiquitous" (absolute) Consciousness, like Quality or Value,
    has to be defined in a special way to avoid the content normally suggested
    by these terms. Moreover, to make the chosen term meaningful, it should be
    capable of supporting a teleology for creation. In other words, there
    should be not only a plausible explanation for creation but a "reason" for
    it, as well. We don't have this in the MOQ. Which is why the debate goes
    on interminably.

    I kind of figured the capitalization works to make the distinction, since
    definition doesn't work at this rarified atmosphere. Another possibility is
    to speak of "absolute" versus "relative" consciousness.

    I'm not sure what you think counts as an ontology. I think my answer is:
    contradictory identity (not essence, not existence, not essence and
    existence, not neither essence nor existence).

    How can you get a general teleology for creation? Doesn't this lead to a
    regress to the unanswerable: why anything rather than nothing? If you insist
    on some general answer, mine would be creation for creation's sake. A
    rationale for specific cases will depend on the specifics.

    - Scott

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