RE: MD Nihilism (Punk)

From: Platt Holden (
Date: Sun Mar 20 2005 - 23:13:59 GMT

  • Next message: Dan Glover: "RE: MD Whither "direct," "pure," and "immediate"?"

    Arlo writes:
    > (1) Last time you explicitly stated it was the "overt sexual lyrics" that
    > "proved" (using Bloom's vapid logic) the "degeneracy of rock".


    > (2) You explicitly stated that songs with strong sexual innuendo or
    > suggestiveness were "okay" by saying Peggy Lee was not degenerate at all.

    > (3) To "prove your point" you provided a quote of sexual lyrics from one
    > song by Peta Pablo, then patted yourself on the back for this "logic",
    > despite my challenge that it was an indefensible generalization.

    > (4) I challenged you that Bloom's (and your own) argument was critically
    > vacant, specifically on two charges, (a) it lacks any critical definition,
    > for example, would Bluegrass, Salsa or Polka, or Jazz also be
    > "degenerate"?

    Like Satchmo said when asked to define jazz, "If they don't know, you
    can't tell 'em."

    > and (b) it lacks contextual relation with other media, for
    > example, why are "overtly sexual themes" in some rock songs enough for you
    > to launch into a tirade against "rock", but "overtly sexual themes" in
    > literature (Henry Miller, Anais Nin, de Sade) or art (nudes) not making you
    > launch into tirades against books and painting.

    Irrelevant considering the ubiquity of rock.
    > (5) I offered you the "out" of making your charge be against things that
    > are "vulgar sexual references", which would place you square in step with
    > the Victorians. Your entire "argument" is a ventriliquation of Rigel's
    > described Victorian prudery, in fact. Are you saying, then, that you admit
    > to siding with Victorian prudery? Note that this still does not relieve the
    > gaps of critical logic in your argument, but it does bring clarity to what
    > you are attacking.

    Show me where Rigel said anything about rock.
    > (6) You have, to remind everyone again, stated explicitly that strong
    > sexual innuendo or suggestiveness is no cause for concern. I had mentioned
    > two posts ago Sinatra and Lee (specifically her "Fever"), and all the
    > sexual activity it encouraged, and how many teens "gave it up" after being
    > crooned by the Chairman or Miss Lee. Your response was that there was
    > nothing wrong with their songs, because there lyrics were not overt like
    > Pete Pablo.


    > To point: Are you claiming The Clash's "White Man in
    > Hammersmith Palais", a song about '70s youth race relations in London,
    > "encourages promiscuous sex" while Mozart, Sinatra's crooning or Peggy Lee
    > "do not"? If you wanted to have sex, Platt, what music would you put on?

    I don't need music to have sex.
    > (7) Now you come back (still lacking a critical definition of "rock 'n'
    > roll") and condemn it for promoting promiscuous sex regardless of its
    > lyrical content. Why then are Lee's songs that have historically promoted
    > promiscuous sex exempt? I had further offered the challenge that more
    > people are getting laid right now to Mozart than The Clash. If "degeneracy"
    > is a function of promoting sex, Mozart and Sinatra and Peggy Lee are more
    > guilty than bands like The Clash or The Ramones (or Toby Keith). To point:
    > Peggy Lee's "Fever" encouraged, and caused, a lot of promiscous sex back
    > then, and continues to today (I know many people who "use it" as a sexual
    > mood setting song). Why is it immune to your argument?

    Apparently you've done a lot of field study of promiscuous sex.

    > Furthermore, you state: Rock wouldn't be anything without its beat of
    > sexual intercourse.
    > (8) The same "beat" drives Bluegrass, Jazz, the Blues, Swing, Salsa, Polka
    > (just listen to Das Furlines out of Wisconsin), Reggae and most world
    > music. I've been waiting for this, and while I won't point out, yet, the
    > obvious upper-tier critical divide seperating "all this" from the songs you
    > "exempt", I will say it is quite visible to anyone with an understanding of
    > muscial roots and cultural foundations. But, please clarify, as this is
    > part of your lack of critical definition, which of these "other" musical
    > genres with "beats" either rooted in, running parallel to, or culturally
    > related to, "rock 'n' roll" are also "degenerate". Is Salsa degenerate?
    > Bluegrass? Jazz? the Blues? Swing? Polka? Reggae? World Music in general?

    Like Satchmo said, if you don't know a rock beat when you hear it, I
    can't tell you.
    > (9) Bloom laughably offer Ravel's Bolero as the one classical piece
    > students are familiar with, due to its sexual progression. If Ravel has a
    > "beat of sexual intercourse", I take it you condemn it with as much
    > vehemence as you do "rock 'n' roll"? If no, why not?

    Because it's artistically superior.

    > (10) If Ravel, a classical work, has a beat of sexual intercourse, as Bloom
    > states, then it would seem to anyone capable of logical thought that this
    > condemned "beat" is something that can be found in any musical genre, and
    > the argument is really an argument against "sex" and not "rock". How do you
    > respond to this? Isn't it really a matter of Victorian sexual repression?
    > Seems to me so.

    No, it's not a matter of Victorian sexual repression. And since you're
    hung up on "Victorian sexual repression," I assume you have no problems
    with hippie free love.

    > Finally, I "bless Pirsig" for being human, for not falling prey to prudish
    > Victorian attempts to repress "vulgar" biological Quality. While you
    > trumpet sexual repression (and Victorian morality) in your condemnation of
    > "sex" (masquarading as a condemnation of "rock"), Pirsig is out there
    > living and having fun, drinking with his buddies, getting laid, dancing and
    > thumbing his nose at your prudery. I'm with him, Platt, no two ways about
    > it. Like I said, philosophy aside, I'd much rather hang out with Pirsig
    > than Rigel. From your statements above, I take it you'd rather spend an
    > evening with Rigel, condemning sex and degeneracy and dreaming of a return
    > to Victorian prudery.

    If your idea of a quality life is bar-hopping and picking up barflies, far
    be if from me to criticize. But, your pseudo-intellectual defense of rock
    (I refuse to call it music) strikes me as a telling proof of Pirsig's
    statement, "In the battle of society against biology, the new twentieth
    century intellectuals have taken biology's side." And he added, "The
    result is social catastrophe."


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