RE: MD Gardner on Pragmatism

From: Platt Holden (
Date: Tue Feb 04 2003 - 14:23:49 GMT

  • Next message: Platt Holden: "RE: MD Making sense of it (levels)"

    Hi Kevin:
    > This sounds like a much more reasonable expectation of our Nazi's
    > reaction to MOQ. They'll interpret it to suit their interests just as we
    > do.
    > So what prevents us from being Nazis? We do.
    > Platt finds the MOQ perfectly supports his conservatism.
    > DMB finds the MOQ perfectly supports his liberalism.
    > Several find the MOQ perfectly supports Christianity.
    > I find the MOQ perfectly supports my Atheism.

    Undoubtedly true. Which is why Pirsig gives us this warning:

    "To put philosophy in the service of any social organization or any
    dogma is immoral. It's a lower form of evolution trying to devour a higher
    one." (29)

    You can interpret philosophy to suit your own interests and beliefs
    without harm. But if you attempt to force your interpretation on others by
    gaining control of and using society's coercive powers, like Marxists,
    you are immoral.

    > As I see it, this phenomenon results from key features of the MOQ.
    > 1) rejection of objectivity
    > 2) empowerment that each individual "knows" Quality "instinctively"
    > I guess you could say it's an epistemological problem with the MOQ.

    Pirsig doesn't "reject" objectivity. In matters of science and history,
    where ascertaining facts is independent of values other than the value of
    truth, objectivity is required. But in matters of morality, objectivity has
    nothing to say whereas the MoQ has everything to say, including the
    morality of objectivity. Pirsig writes:

    "Or, using another analogy, saying that a Metaphysics of Quality is
    false and a subject-object metaphysics is true is like saying that
    rectangular coordinates are true and polar coordinates are false. A map
    with the North Pole at the center is confusing at first, but it's every bit as
    correct as a Mercator map. In the Arctic it's the only map to have. Both
    are simply intellectual patterns for interpreting reality and one can only
    say that in some circumstances rectangular coordinates provide a
    better, simpler interpretation. The Metaphysics of Quality provides a
    better set of coordinates with which to interpret the world than does
    subject-object metaphysics because it is more inclusive. It explains
    more of the world and it explains it better. The Metaphysics of Quality
    can explain subject-object relationships beautifully but, as Phaedrus
    had seen in anthropology, a subject-object metaphysics can't explain
    values worth a damn. It has always been a mess of unconvincing
    psychological gibberish when it tries to explain values. (8)


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