RE: MD Politics of MOQ Discuss

From: Matt Kundert (
Date: Tue Mar 22 2005 - 12:53:32 GMT

  • Next message: Ant McWatt: "MD Pirsig Institutionalized, Part I"

    Hey Anthony,

    Ya' know, I never had thought about my e-mail address as being perjorative.
    Thanks for pointing that out. I had created a new one back before hotmail
    had increased its free e-mail account capacity and my old one, which I used
    for other personal stuff, was getting clogged and I couldn't keep it free to
    receive e-mail. Because I was going to just use it for Pirsig stuff, I
    decided to use something related. I simply thought of "pirsigaffliction" as
    relating to my "affliction" of being obsessed with Pirsig's writings, as
    evidenced by all the time it must look (and do) put into writing the drivel
    I do about him.

    Hunh. How 'bout that? Ain't life and its unintended rhetorical effects

    Oh, and for the record, I did appreciate the challenge you'd offered last
    year (or so?), its just A) I thought (think) you were (are) wrong and B) you
    were a little abusive, and I couldn't figure out why. And then there was
    that strange business of sending my even-tempered, tentative comments on
    Pine's comments about Rorty (which, I believe, you asked me for) to Pine

    Oh, and...further...for the record--its not that I'm riled up because people
    "tend to be dismissive of [my] posts and essays," but rather because when
    people do ostensibly engage my thoughts on Pirsig they dismiss them without
    seeming to get inside them. I have no idea whether a lot of people read my
    stuff or nobody does. Do you? 'Cuz I don't. I more or less could care
    less what people read or do not read, my stuff or anybody else's. What does
    peeve me is when people say they're engaging my arguments (and don't) and
    say they've dispatched me. I don't care if people work around me, but it
    does grate when they say they've worked through me as in, "Yeah, I worked
    through his arguments. They sucked," when, based on what they say, there's
    no apparent evidence.

    I don't know. Maybe its just me. A lot of people seem to think so. But a
    few don't, which is why I still have this nagging suspicion there's
    something else going on.

    Obsessed as ever,


    p.s. I assume there are a lot of reasons why you don't converse with me.
    If I were you, and writing a PhD and having a general time of it in
    academia, I wouldn't try and put up with my bs either. And I don't expect
    you to. Well, really I don't expect anyone.

    p.p.s. And no kidding you're letter was more directed at Rorty's presumed
    political failings. It just seems so silly for me to comment on something
    so silly anymore. The things I said the first time around still suffice, I
    think. You just sound like Chris Norris, blaming Rorty and Fish for the
    Gulf War because of their _philosophical_ views. Blows my mind.

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