MD Access to Quality

From: Ant McWatt (
Date: Thu Mar 31 2005 - 16:26:53 BST

  • Next message: Platt Holden: "MD Epigrams on Quality"

    Marsha stated March 30th 2005:

    I was listening to C-SPAN on satellite radio. It was the call-in portion of
    the show. A woman called to say that she was a Republican and had been
    brought up on biblical values. She asked, "Where am I to get my values if
    not from the Bible?" She could think of no other source. I find that very

    Steve asked Marsha March 30th “Why is this disturbing to you?

    Marsha replied March 30th:

    >Why are we not seeing the world with a new perspective? Why are we
    >clinging to a religion that was created two thousand years ago for a
    >different people? Why is the U.S. wanting to return to teaching the
    >Biblical "Creation Theory"? Why are people still discussing God as if he
    >thought like humans, and has kidneys, lungs and a liver? Why is the U.S.
    >politics allowed to use religion to get votes? Why aren't we discussing
    >the implications of Quantum Theory? Where is there a discussion of

    Chin stated January 14th 2005:

    This also fits in with what I call the “Null Hypothesis”. In short, it means
    “Don't buy it.” I believe rhetoric is a gift, and gifted individuals can
    make the unbelievable believable, or change an opinion without valid,
    supportive content. In other words, I believe the mind too easily
    manipulated. I feel this in science, philosophy, and the interpretations of
    the Bible by those who have a predetermined outcome in mind before the data,
    reason, or interpretations are applied.


    Ant McWatt noted January 17th 2005:


    The “Null Hypothesis” test makes a lot of sense to me (regards thought
    manipulation) and came to mind while I was recently watching a TV
    documentary (titled “Messiah”) concerning an hypnotist (Derren Brown) who
    convinced five leading proponents/professionals of various popular beliefs
    that he was someone with special powers. Even though, Brown certainly
    hasn’t got any special powers, not one of these proponents questioned
    whether he was genuine. As Brown wondered, there are probably quite a few
    people in the various cults saying that they have supernatural powers but
    are [actually] frauds (even if they are gifted as Brown is in hypnotism or
    other trickery). If the leaders that Brown met didn’t seem too sceptical of
    him, it does make you wonder who else is getting through….

    As Brown noted, religious congregations generate high energy crowd activity
    or candle-lit monotony which tend to invoke a suggestible state in people
    that can be exploited.

    Ant McWatt further comments March 31st:

    And the latter practice of Christians congregating in crowds which leaves
    people vulnerable to suggestible states (i.e. brainwashing) is one of the
    reasons I find organised religion highly disturbing. For instance, why is a
    service/mass a one way (static) inculcation by a preacher/priest to the
    congregation of a set of pre-set doctrine rather than a Dynamic debate (open
    to contributions from all) about morals, global problems, the implications
    of Quantum Theory or how a section of the Bible should be understood? This
    lack of critical intellectual development and debate is how you treat very
    young children not mature adults.

    Such protectionist policies of organised churches and their ideas about
    creation theory, gay rights, women and contraception etc are retarding the
    evolutionary development of human beings and undermining our general quality
    of life. It therefore seems impossible to me in how these policies can be
    reconciled with the MOQ. Hence, my original question to Sam.

    Best wishes,


    P.S. A note to Khaled Alkotob. Carl Sagan’s “Cosmos” TV series had me
    entranced when I was a kid. Far more interesting than attending church!

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