RE: MD home schooling

From: max demian (
Date: Wed Apr 06 2005 - 00:57:04 BST

  • Next message: Ant McWatt: "MD Contradictions"

    Hi Sam and all,

    I don’t have kids yet. But, I have been thinking about it for awhile now,
    and frankly, the prospect scares me to death. I have thought a lot about it
    as we prepare for it in the best ways we know how. I don’t doubt (but maybe
    I should) that my wife and I have the capacity to raise a happy, healthy
    child; however I do doubt society’s ability to raise a child. I also wonder
    what schooling is best. Thinking about it has led me to some ideas about
    what is most important. Intellectual, emotional, and social parts of the
    individual kid must be nourished, as well as the ability to work
    individually and as a collective. In my composition class I stress the need
    for my students to be able to join in the conversations that surround them
    in society. My goal is to try to teach them to write, of course. I have no
    choice but to teach the class as a group with the same standards. That much
    is set in stone. I take certain pleasure in the successes of each student
    when they reach those standards, but what really makes me happy is when a
    student realizes it isn’t about composition but about having a voice and
    joining the greater discussion.

    In James Joyce’s _Portrait of the Artist as a Young Man_ Joyce develops an
    aesthetic ideal that may be worth mentioning. His “3 phases of aesthetic
    apprehension” are Integretas, Consonatia, and Claritas. Integretas is
    understanding the “is-ness” of the art. Consonatia is understanding its
    place with Art. Claritas is the “ah-ha!” It seems to me that a child needs
    to have “ah-ha!” experiences in order to live a dynamic life. While school
    provides (more or less) the student with academic knowledge, it doesn’t
    necessarily provide the “ah-ha!” experience. Personally I think this is the
    most important. It seems that when this happens the rest takes care of
    itself. How often do you read how an intellectual was a poor or average
    student until someone opened their eyes at which point they were suddenly
    addicted to learning? I think that as parents we need to provide our
    children with as many possible opportunities to experience this “ah_ha!” It
    happens in small ways but it has to happen.

    I don’t know if anyone has heard of a book called _Sophie’s World_. It is a
    about the ‘history of philosophy’ for adolescents. It’s about this 15 year
    old girl who this odd-ball philosopher takes under her under his wing. It is
    an interesting story, for its target audience of course, about how this
    philosopher who opens Sophie’s World. One day she is just another young girl
    in public school and the next day this guy has her thinking for herself
    about the history of philosophy. (It has a cool plot too)

    Good luck making your decision


    >From: "Sam Norton" <>
    >To: <>
    >Subject: MD home schooling
    >Date: Sun, 3 Apr 2005 21:14:14 +0100
    >Hi all,
    >My wife and I are considering home educating our children, and I was
    >wondering if there was anyone on the list who had gone down that route
    >already, or if anyone had particular thoughts on the matter. It would seem
    >to be a natural progression in one sense from Pirsig's arguments in ZMM.
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