Re: MD Access to Quality

Date: Thu Apr 07 2005 - 15:00:55 BST

  • Next message: Mark Steven Heyman: "Re: MD Access to Quality"

    Hi Ham:
    There is no choice to be made here as we all continue to move along our Somethingness path. People who cultivate and reach higher levels of understanding can see their past lives and know this. Find a true Zen master if you have doubts. By cultivating you learn to "think" at the speed of light but with no words and your energy wasting worries become VERY clear.
    With great compassion,
    Agent B
    -----Original Message-----
    Sent: Wed, 6 Apr 2005 20:13:17 -0400
    Subject: Re: MD Access to Quality

    Hi, All:

    As a first step towards a general survey, and to satisfy my curiosity
    concerning the MD group, I'd like you all to give me an honest answer to the
    hypothetical question I've already posed to Matt and Ant. (After reading
    Matt's note to Anthony, I was going to retitle the "subject line", but
    decided that "Access to Quality" isn't a bad title at all for the subject at

    In case you didn't see this dual-choice question in my previous postings,
    here it is.

    Suppose that at your death you are faced with having to make a
    voluntary choice between the following two options:

    Option 1 (Nothingness): You may choose that, effective immediately, your
    proprietary awareness, including all memory of your life-experience will be
    permanently erased. Your "consciousness-of-self" will, in effect, return to
    the nothingness from whence you came.

    Option 2 (Somethingness): You may choose "psychic continuity" in a form or
    mode that is presently incomprehensible to you and that can only be revealed
    by choosing it beforehand.

    Which would you choose, and why?

    This isn't a trick question, and I won't hold you accountable for how you
    answer, or who said what. But it gets to what I think is the "essential
    core" of both
    religion and philosophy. Hopefully it will lend some "immanence" to the
    issues I've recently been trying to address.

    Couple of things you might want to mull over before giving me your answer

    1) You'll notice that I didn't use the word "immortality". (That was

    2) When I posed this challenge to a close friend (a Biochemistry
    professor), his response was: "I would have to choose Option One because
    Option Two requires an uninformed opinion." But then, he's both an
    empiricist and a stoic.)

    Thanks for your assistance.


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