Re: MD Teaching Morality

Date: Thu Feb 06 2003 - 04:21:29 GMT

  • Next message: "Re: MD Suffering"


    You made great points about kids and Quality. I would like to add one to
    what you said about finding the one thing that each kid learned from sports.

    You said that each child got something out of the game. You just had to find
    it and help them recognize it. THAT IS IT.

    Everyone of us, child and adult, has at least one thing that we can
    contribute to life, to the game. When we start to see others as members of
    our team, when we recognize our own arete, when we help others find their
    arete', then we can start to move out of Hell. Then we can move from
    isolationist to globalist, and we won't worry about war so much.

    Your words inspire me. We need teachers, but more importantly we need
    Quality teachers. Maybe we should ask our fellow educators if they are
    "teaching Quality this year."

    As far as teaching like Pirsig rather than teaching Pirsig, I do not know
    which is best. To be precise, "what is good and what is not good" comes from
    the mouth of Socrates through the pen of Plato. I'd rather teach like
    Socrates than teach Socrates. How about you?

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