Re: MD Static and dynamic aspects of mysticism and religious experience

From: Wim Nusselder (
Date: Sat Apr 09 2005 - 06:49:43 BST

  • Next message: ian glendinning: "Re: MD Scientific beliefs and religious faith"

    Dear Marsha,

    You wrote 8 Apr 2005 20:07:35 -0400:
    > I understand that static quality is pattern of value. I was trying to
    > understand your post. When you use the phrase 'Intellectual quality' are
    > you talking about SQ at the Intellectual Level? Are you stating that SQ
    > the Intellectual Level affects the Social Level in the same way that DQ
    > affects the Social Level? Or are you saying that they are the same? Or
    > seem the same?

    Yes, you're coming close to understanding my version of the MoQ now.
    static quality = stability of patterns of value
    These subdivisions are evolutionary and hierarchically ordered (in 'low' to
    'high' levels/systems).
    'All life is a migration of static patterns of quality toward Dynamic
    Quality.' ('Lila', chapter 11)
    (Migration can be within and between levels. Still in chapter 11:
    'This division of all biological evolutionary patterns into a Dynamic
    function and a static function continues on up through higher levels of
    evolution. The formation of semipermeable cell walls to let food in and keep
    poisons out is a static latch. So are bones, shells, hide, for, burrows,
    clothes, houses, villages, castles, rituals, symbols, laws and libraries.
    All of these prevent evolutionary degeneration.
    On the other hand, the shift in cell reproduction from mitosis to meiosis to
    permit sexual choice and allow huge DNA diversification is a Dynamic
    advance. So is the collective organization of cells into metazoan societies
    called plants and animals. So are sexual choice, symbiosis, death and
    regeneration, communality, communication, speculative thought curiosity and
    art. Most of these, when viewed in a substance-centered evolutionary way,
    are thought of as mere incidental properties of the molecular machine. But
    in a value-centered explanation of evolution they are close to the Dynamic
    process itself, pulling the pattern of life forward to greater levels of
    versatility, and freedom.')

    'static patterns of value are divided into four systems: inorganic patterns,
    biological patterns, social patterns and intellectual patterns' ('Lila',
    start of chapter 12)
    So static quality can be subdivided in (the stability of) different types of
    patterns of value.
    These systems/levels operate independently of each other, but without
    excluding each other. Some experiences can be seen as part of a both
    inorganic, biological, social and intellectual patterns.
    social quality = the stability of social patterns of value
    intellectual quality = the stability of intellectual patterns of value
    Dynamic Quality = the changeability (versatility and freedom) of all
    patterns of value

    'A primary occupation of every level of evolution seems to be offering
    freedom to lower levels of evolution. But as the higher level gets more
    sophisticated it goes off on purposes of its own.' (Still chapter 12)
    So intellectual patterns of value offer changeability to social patterns of
    value. From a social level point of view their stability cannot be
    distinguished from Dynamic Quality (i.e. from their changeability).
    Intellectual quality indeed SEEMS the same as Dynamic Quality at the social

    With friendly greetings,


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